Can copy any accent
Cries on cue
Hip Hop
Jump rope
Plays ukelele
Soprano Mezzo singer
Strong improv
CCHMC video Abby
DDC commercial
Footloose Jr Dance captain, various ensemble roles
A Christmas Carol, Cincinnati's Playhouse in the park Belinda Cratchit 2016
A Christmas Carol/Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park Belinda Cratchit
AEP meals for veterans girl at flag
Aha daughter
Aids Healthcare Daughter
Antigone/Eastland Fairfield Performing Arts The child
Bartha promotional material Little girl jumping through hoop
Cahartt for Zulily preteen model
Children of Eden Story teller
Columbus Fashion Week/kids show Model for Ivivva
ENK Show NYC model for Elisa B.
For the Boys Grace (supporting)
Gypsy (Weathervane Playhouse) Baby June
Honda training video Volleyball kid
Jason Studinski website commercial
My Friend Dahmer middle school girl
Nationwide Childrens Hospital baby
Nellie's Catwalk for Kids 2012, 2014, 2015 Fashion model
One Kentucky Health Glitter Girl
OTTA Graduation middle school girl
Premiere Dance/ Val Pak Dancer
Programmed Series Young Cassie
Safelite principal
SAFY I am more than Foster child
Simbans Tangotab Student using tablet
The Music Man, Weathervane Playhouse Gracie Schinn
The Music Man/Eastland Fairfield Performing Arts Center River City Kid
The Tooth Man Cometh Ena
Vanished pageant contestant/memorial scene
Wisconsin political add young girl
Zulily tween model
Zulily for cousin crew
Zulily, Calory&Cella, JBU, Alaska